
At Callbell, we strive to help businesses better connecting with their customers. But that would be impossible without making our software a safe and trustworthy place to store data. That’s why data security is an absolute priority to us. For the sake of transparency, here’s a list of measures we take to keep your data safe and available 24-7.

  1. Availability

Will Callbell be available all the time?

Callbell strives to maintain an uptime of 99.9%, and we use several services to monitor uptime and site availability. In case of downtime or emergency, our team receives real-time notifications, allowing us to act swiftly.

What if something isn’t working?

In the rare case that issues do arise, we’ll keep you updated at all times through our status page and in-app notifications. We’ll do everything within our power to resolve the issue as soon as we can.

  1. Security measures

Encrypting data in transit

All traffic to callbell passes through an SSL-encrypted connection, and we only accept traffic through port 443.During a first website visit, Callbell sends a Strict Transport Security Header (HSTS) to the user agent, ensuring that all future requests will be made via HTTPS. Even if a link to callbell is specified as HTTP.

AWS security practices

Callbell uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) to store user data. These servers undergo recurring assessment to ensure compliance with the latest industry standards, and continually manages risk. By using AWS as our data center, our infrastructure is accredited by:

  • ISO 27001
  • SOC 1 and SOC 2/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 (Previously SAS 70 Type II)
  • PCI Level 1
  • C5 Operational Security
  • ENS High
  • IT-Grundschutz

More information about AWS security can be found here.

Password policy and storage

To access callbell, you need to provide a strong password of at least 6 characters. We do not store these user passwords in plain text, we only store one-way encrypted password hashes using open source audited Bcrypt, including a per-user-random-salt. This protects users against rainbow table attacks and encrypted password matching.

If users enter incorrect passwords multiple times in a row, the account will be temporarily locked to prevent brute-force attacks. To protect account access further, users can activate Two-Factor Authentication using Google Authenticator or Authy through the user account security settings.

Request throttling and tracking

We block requests originating from known, vulnerable IP addresses or ranges.

Requests that originate from the same IP are throttled and rate-limited to avoid potential misuse.

XSS and CSRF Protection

To block Cross-Site Scripting Attacks (XSS), all output is escaped by default in our back-end application before hitting the browser potentially causing XSS attacks. We avoid using returning raw data, as this could potentially cause unwanted data to be sent to the browser.

Our application blocks requests that do not originate from our own domain(s), to help reduce the risk of Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks; For important actions, we also use CSRF-tokens.

Lastly, we’ve implemented the Content Security Policy (CSP) HTTP header, which whitelists which assets (javascripts, images, stylesheets, etc.) the user’s browser should allow to load and execute. A correctly implemented CSP header eliminates any malicious javascript (XSS attacks), crafted files disguised as images, and similar attacks based on the browser’s trust of the assets served.

Ethical hacking program

As we speak, a group of independent security specialists are continuously testing the security of our application, which helps us spot and eliminate potential weaknesses.


Our team uses strong, unique passwords for callbell accounts and has set up Two-Factor Authentication for each device and service they use. All Callbell employees are encouraged to use password manager software (LastPass, 1Password, …) to generate and store strong passwords.

We also make sure to encrypt local hard drives and enable automatic screen locking. All access to application admin functionalities is restricted to a select group of people.

  1. Quality assurance

Code review

We introduced strict code reviews for any change to our code base, to ensure development best practices are used across all our code pushes.

Vulnerability disclosure

Since the launch of Callbell, we’ve invited everyone to notify us of issues they find in our application, to continuously make our platform more secure and reliable. All vulnerability report submissions are read, handled and responded to in the shortest possible time frame.