MessageBird is a company that aims at offering a specialized service in the management of a company’s multi-channel communications, as well as offering a specialized and specially designed platform so that you can serve and help each customer through the different channels available.

This company uses cloud-based security systems designed to offer maximum fluidity and serenity to its customers, since its use is focused on emails, text messages, chats and calls.

One of MessageBird’s new products is the Inbox: this feature allows you to centralize all messages from MessageBird’s different sales channels such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Email, SMS and many more into a single platform, through a multi-agent team. In addition, it has a metric system that offers you specific and relevant data of your business that are very interesting for KPIs.

If you are interested in knowing what channels are integrated into MessageBird, take a look at the following images:

How MessageBird works
How MessageBird works

As you can see from these images, some accesses are paid, such as WhatsApp; this means you have to pay an extra fee to connect certain channels. The integration process is quite simple and automatic; however, the product is complex so you may need help with its configuration and allocation.

Main features

Main features

MessageBird has multiple features: it’s a company that offers solutions, hence it has several advantages, here we list some of the main features of this service:

a) This tool is an integrated communication network that communicates with all members of the same company.

b) Its system allows you to work with large-scale messages, virtual numbers, calls and internal communications.

c) It has an insights page where the statistics of the messages sent, the contents and the necessary information are displayed.

d) Omnichannel customer service platform.

e) Customer service management in any channel via an API.

f) Management and purchase of telephone numbers.

g) Allows for multi-agent WhatsApp .

h) Widget for webpage.

i) Data automation.

j) Multiple integrations with the software.

How to sign up on MessageBird

Once we decide to register and click on the Sign Up button, we enter our e-mail address and password; after this step, we will be shown a window to choose how we want to implement the MessageBird solution.

How to sign up on MessageBird

Once we have chosen the form of implementation, we must choose the number of employees of our company.

How to sign up on MessageBird

In the next step, we will be asked to enter some information about our company such as website, name or technical capacity.

How to sign up on MessageBird

Subsequently, we will have to enter our personal details, our name, surname, role within the company and the telephone number.

How to sign up on MessageBird

Once this is done, we will choose a benefit plan, obviously again based on our volume.

How to sign up on MessageBird

Once we have chosen the plan, we will move on to the implementation phase to connect our first communication channel; in this case, we just have to choose which channel we want to connect.

How to sign up on MessageBird

In this step we simply have to configure the communication channel we have chosen previously. Once this is done, we will be automatically redirected to the MessageBird desktop.

How to sign up on MessageBird

Advantages and disadvantages of MessageBird

Like any tool, MessageBird also has some advantages and disadvantages, below you will find the explanation of these two points:


MessageBird mainly allows you to keep all company messages organized, both the internal and external ones with customers, and which can be viewed quickly, ensuring speed and safety of all content.

Certainly another great advantage is that of representing an excellent alternative to the most common leading telephone companies, that ask for a large sum of money for telephone tools or calls; on the other hand, these can be international offering a single price, thus allowing some major savings.

You can integrate multiple communication channels such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, Line, chat, email, telephony and more.


One of the main disadvantages of this solution is that the price is quite high, so it is not a useful option for small or medium-sized businesses; in this case, Callbell is an excellent alternative since it has a much more user-friendly product with particularly competitive prices.

Another big disadvantage is that it is a complex product, so it takes time to learn how to use it and, in the event that your company has many customer service operators, teaching everyone how to use it becomes particularly difficult.

Moreover, there is no mobile app for MessageBird so you can’t use it on other devices, such as tablets or phones.

Advantages and disadvantages of MessageBird

Should I purchase MessageBird?

We are not the ones who can tell you whether or not to acquire MessageBird as it depends on the company that wants to use it: for example, if you own a large company with a lot of time available and extensive experience in the market, with a fairly large capital, it is advisable to acquire this software to improve both internal and external communication of your company.

If, on the other hand, you own a small or medium-sized company, we do not recommend the acquisition of MessageBird as it is particularly expensive. Generally, it is advisable to have communication software suitable for your business; in this case, the alternatives are many with different advantages, and prices that can adapt to your company. If your business is just starting out and is considered to be medium-sized, below we recommend a great communication tool that could be useful for your business.

Should I purchase MessageBird?

Alternatives to MessageBird

As we  mentioned previously, MessageBird has some good alternatives on the market that might suit those businesses that can’t afford to acquire a service like this. Here is a list of great alternatives that may interest you:

Access the list by clicking here

Now that you are here, we will explain why Callbell is one of the best alternatives to MessageBird. In fact, this tool is characterized by its simplicity, ease of use and communication.

Alternatives to MessageBird
Alternatives to MessageBird

Callbell has a friendly and easy tool for all its users, with total autonomy that allows it to be easily configured; moreover, Callbell‘s support is always active and available for every need, which gives it a great advantage over its competitors.

Alternatives to MessageBird

In addition, the tool allows you to connect and serve the channels most used by users, including: WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, Messenger and Instagram, allowing you to manage all messages, coming from these channels, directly on a single platform equipped with a multi-agent team.

Receive statistics and opinions on your agents, manage the team, measure effectiveness and efficiency and, above all, serve your customers quickly. You can access this tool at a very competitive price, which is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses looking for an easy, practical and functional solution to implement.

If you want to know more about Callbell and are interested in trying it, you can view all the necessary information by clicking here.

Alternatives to MessageBird

Frequent Questions

What are the main features of MessageBird?

MessageBird has multiple features: here are some of the main ones:

  • This tool is an integrated communication network that communicates to all members of the same company.
  • The system available allows you to work with messages on a large scale, it allows to have virtual numbers, internal calls and communications.
  • A message board where the statistics of the messages sent, the reasons for the messages and the necessary information are displayed.
  • An omni-channel customer service platform.
  • Customer service management in any channel via API.
  • Management and purchase of telephone numbers.
  • Enables multi-agent WhatsApp.
  • Widget for the web page.
  • Data automation.
  • Multiple integrations with the software.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of MessageBird?

Like any tool, MessageBird also has advantages and disadvantages: here are some of them:


  • MessageBird mostly allows to keep in order all company messages, both internal and external, exchanged with customers. These messages can be quickly displayed, hence guaranteeing the speed and security of the content.
  • Another great advantage is that it represents an excellent alternative to the large standard telephone companies where you have to pay a large sum of money for telephone tools and call credit; plus, calls can be international for a single price, which is very good in terms of savings.
  • You can integrate multiple communication channels such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Line, chat, email, phone, to name a few.


  • One of the main disadvantages of this solution is the rather high price point, so it’s probably not an easily feasible option for small or medium-sized businesses. An excellent alternative in this case is Callbell, as it has a much more user-friendly interface at a particularly competitive price.
  • Another big disadvantage is that it is a product rather complex, so it takes the time to learn how to use it and, if you have a large number of agents for customer service, it becomes quite difficult to teach all of them how to use it.
  • Plus, it does not have a mobile app so you won’t be able to use MessageBird on other devices such as tablets or phones.

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Alan Trovò

About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct